The emerald green ensemble serves as a captivating canvas for the stunning contrast created by...
Shirt: Raw Silk
Dupatta: Khaddi Net
The emerald green ensemble serves as a captivating canvas for the stunning contrast created by the pink and gold work. The rich emerald hue symbolizes vitality and growth, while the intricate detailing in pink and gold adds opulence and sophistication. Delicate floral motifs, meticulously crafted in shimmering gold thread, intertwine with vibrant pink accents, creating a mesmerizing tapestry of colors. It comes with a stunning chiffon dupatta, with sequence spray and intricately crafted pallus, perfectly edged with embroidered borders on all sides.
Dry clean recommended. Iron clothes at moderate temperature. Store outfit in the garment bag provided.
- While we aim to accurately display colors, slight variations may occur due to fabric dyeing, lighting, digital photography, and monitor settings.
- Handwoven fabrics may feature natural variations, including darker threads and differences in patterns or handmade details, adding to the uniqueness of each piece.
- Please note that we have a strict 'no exchange, no refund' policy.